SELECT csQuestionGroups.`idQuestionGroup`, csQuestionGroups.`description_fr` as `csqgDescription`, csQuestions.`idQuestion`, csQuestions.`description_fr` as `csqDescription` FROM .`csQuestionGroups` LEFT JOIN .`csQuestions` ON csQuestions.`idQuestionGroup` = csQuestionGroups.`idQuestionGroup` AND csQuestionGroups.`visible` = 1 AND csQuestions.`visible` = 1 AND csQuestions.`idQuestionType` = 14 WHERE csQuestionGroups.`idCustomSurvey` = 11 ORDER BY csQuestionGroups.`sort` ASC, csQuestions.`sort` ASC, csQuestions.`idQuestion` ASC
Voici l'erreur en question :
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.`csQuestionGroups` LEFT JOIN .`csQuestions` ON csQuestions.`idQuestionGroup` = ' at line 1
Avec le stack trace suivant : /home/crm/public_html/sondage_cm.php(164) processDescriptionToken( ) ..../home/crm/public_html/sondage_cm.php(692) Transaction->query( ) ......../home/crm/public_html/.engine/DataBase.php(357) Transaction->sendErrorMail( ) ............/home/crm/public_html/.engine/DataBase.php(489) stackTrace( )
GET : Array
POST : Array
#ERROR# sondage_cm.php -- exception 'Exception' with message 'Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.`csQuestionGroups` LEFT JOIN .`csQuestions` ON csQuestions.`idQuestionGroup` = ' at line 1' in /home/crm/public_html/.engine/DataBase.php:360
Stack trace:
#0 /home/crm/public_html/sondage_cm.php(692): Transaction->query('SELECT csQuesti...')
#1 /home/crm/public_html/sondage_cm.php(164): processDescriptionToken(Object(Transaction), Object(Page), '11', NULL)
#2 {main}
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